Delivering Cutting-Edge Technology To The World

Delivering Cutting-Edge Technology To The World June 2024 | Stroll Magazine  When you or your loved ones are  in need of medical care, nothing  is more important than communication with your doctor and receiving attention as soon  as possible. Providing an immediate connection between patients and their physicians is so important to Bita Lyons that […]

Telemedicine Transformation with LEO360 – RFC (California, USA)

Telemedicine Transformation with LEO360®, California, USA Lit. No. LG-2024-002 600022225 | 022024February 2024 | Lyons Global® Introduction Physicians often travel to different locations in the current healthcare landscape to conduct in-person consultations with patients. This traditional practice consumes valuable time and resources and creates logistical challenges for medical professionals and patients. Moreover, the need for […]

First AI-Embedded Digital Health Robotic Platform in Turkey

First AI-Embedded Digital Health Robotic Platform in Turkey Lit. No. LG-2023-001 600022224 | 122023December 2023 | Lyons Global® Introduction ACIBADEM Healthcare Group is an international leader in the delivery of healthcare headquartered in Turkey. ACIBADEM provides care to five million patients annually and has a presence in four countries including 24 hospitals, a dedicated team […]

Defining Telemedicine Medical Appropriateness in REI John Hopkins (Maryland, USA)

Defining Telemedicine Medical Appropriateness in REI John Hopkins (Maryland, USA) October 2023 |American Society for Reproductive Medicine To compare diagnostic codes used for telemedicine vs office visits. Data sets from all REI visits in 3 fiscal years (2020-2022) were extracted and divided in two groups; office vs telemedicine. The International Classification Diseases ( ICD) 10 […]

Defining Telemedicine Medical Appropriateness in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (REI) and Assess Utilization of Telemedicine with Consideration of Top Diagnosis.

Defining Telemedicine Medical Appropriateness in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (REI) and Assess Utilization of Telemedicine with Consideration of Top Diagnosis. DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2023.08.401Also available on ScienceDirect User License: Elsevier user license | Elsevier’s open access license policyOctober 2023 | American Society for Reproductive Medicine S. NASAB 1,2 , B. LYONS 3 , V. BAKER 1 , M. CHRISTIANSON1,4 1- Johns Hopkins […]